Archive for April 23rd, 2009


Jaunty Lightscribe Labels

23 April, 2009

Well, Ubuntu, Kubuntu, and Xubuntu 9.04 (Jaunty Jackalope) were released today, amid joyous worldwide celebration [probably].

As we all know, one of the best parts of being a linux user and surely the best part of a new release is handing out liveCDs to hapless onlookers during airplane trips. See someone looking interestedly at your computer? Engage them in conversation! Extoll the virtues of an open source operating system! Convince them that they will surely go to hell unless they repent their proprietary sins and bask in the warm neon glow of a GNOME desktop!

But let’s face it, the average person off the street might be won over by your preaching, but the minute you hand them that memorex cd with sharpie scrawlings on it, they’re thinking “holy hell, these people are cheap!”

Well, we are. And that’s okay, it works for us. But people who are used to flashy microsoft boot disks may have a hard time taking a hand-burned liveCD seriously. Enter LightScribe, a neat bit of hardware that comes with a lot of computers that allows to you burn decorations on your cds. If your cd-rom drive isn’t LightScribe enabled you can get an external drive that is. You also need special media that tend to be a bit more expensive and difficult to find. The result is pretty cool, though.

So, without further ado, the labels I designed for the Jaunty, in Ubuntu, Kubuntu, and Xubuntu flavors. For more information on using lightscribe with Ubuntu, check out my previous post “Lightscribe for Ubuntu.”

Enjoy, and Happy Clicking!